Decarboxylate Your Cannabis Before Cooking With It!
Rocket Science: The Basics of Cannabis Butter
You want to start with the basics. Cannabis is fat or alcohol soluble and so is most easily integrated into foodstuffs with these substances. Cannabis butter or coconut oil works well as an infusion method for the vast majority of those who use medibles. Basically, you melt butter in a double boiler, add pre-measured, ground marijuana and cook for a couple of hours at low heat. Strain with a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer. Whether you make up a batch of box brownie mix or your favorite cookie recipe, pick a box mix or recipe that uses at least a half-cup to one cup butter.
Read MoreCooking with Cannabis
The High Times chef reviews the basics of cooking with cannabis. Keep in mind any fat or lipid can be used instead of butter. Cosider a healthier alternative.
Watch MoreThe Healthiest Choice:

In a double boiler, slowly heat 4 cups olive oil on low heat for a few minutes until you begin to smell the oil’s aroma. Add 1z ground decarboxylated cannabis slowly, stirring until it is fully coated before adding more cannabis. Simmer on low heat for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Remove the mixture from heat and allow it to cool before straining. Press the plant matter with the back of a spoon to wring all the oil out of it. Compost the leafy remains and save the oil in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.
Tincture Making
Tinctures are essentially alcohol extractions of whole cannabis (usually the flowers and trim leaves). Tinctures are easy to make and very inexpensive. Tincture is how we used to use medical cannabis before prohibition and it is still a valid method today. Tincture has the advantage of needing only 20-30 minutes to be under full effect so it is much easier to titrate compared to medibles. Tincture is meant to be done under the tongue so faciliate the active ingredients going straight to one's brain. Try a couple of drops and wait 20 minutes before doing more. Tinctures can be flavored for improved taste. For those adverse to alcohol, alcohol tincture can be used as a base for an elixir. In addition, cannabis tincture can also be made with glycerin.
Watch MoreCooking
"Cooking with Cannabis" includes everything from soup to nuts. The epicurean marijuana enthusiast combines altered consciousness with good taste. Includes tasty recipes for boiling, baking, sauteeing, jellying, frying and seasoning psychoactive main courses, desserts and snacks. This was once a hard to obtain cult classic.
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If you utilize medibles please consider growing your own medicine. For the patient who only consumes edibles it would surprise one how few plants are needed to provide the raw material for a few month's worth of medibles. You also do not need to grow the world greatest bud to produce quality raw material for edibles. .
Grow Your Own Medicine